Contesting the validity of a Will is not simple

Contesting a Will is not something you do when you are simply disappointed with your share. Has there been undue influence? Or testamentary incapacity? We look at the options

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Contested probate - when do you have a case?

Building on our introduction to probate disputes and contentious probate, we delve deeper into this area of law and provide the details of some real-life cases and how inheritance disputes are dealt with in practice Before going further, if you have not got a Will yet and wish to leave your estate to your loved […]

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What is inheritance tax?

A look at the much-maligned inheritance tax, and how writing your Will correctly with a well-trained solicitor can reduce your anxieties.

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Man Discussing a Deed of Variation

Using a Deed of Variation you can legally change a Will – but there are strict conditions. It is a way of reducing your inheritance in favour of someone else.

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Make a Will 2023

Cunningtons regularly participates in Farleigh Hospice’s Make a Will charity campaigns, and 2023 was no different. Cunningtons helped them raise £13,144.20 this time …

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Make sure your new child is in your Will

It’s easy to forget to update your Will, and forgetting to write a Will is easy too. Don’t leave your loved ones to deal with intestacy or an outdated Will.

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All staff complete Dementia Friends training

All staff at Cunningtons complete basic Dementia Friends training. This makes them aware of the issues that some of our clients may be facing.

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Dangers of a DIY Will

We explode the myth of the DIY Will. In a recent case the court threw out a free DIY version of a Will in favour of an earlier copy.

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Arrange your LPA early

Huge hold ups at the Office of the Public Guardian mean continuing delays for Lasting Powers of Attorney. Do yours now, you never know when you’ll need it.

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Statutory legacy increases to £322,000 from July 2023

The statutory legacy increased to £322,000 from July 2023, affecting what you pass on if you die intestate

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Executor working on probate is a long process

Working with the Probate Registry can take a very long time, which is hard when you’re dealing with grief too. And then you get asked to be an executor … we explain the process

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What are Inheritance Tax thresholds?

When planning your estate, you should take account of inheritance tax and the associated thresholds. It will help you to look after your beneficiaries when you are gone.

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