It can be heartbreaking to move into your new home, only to discover that there are issues with the property that the seller misled you about.  The first question is often whether or not there is a claim against a seller.

We understand the Catch-22 situation involved in deciding whether or not to instruct a solicitor.

You want to know if you will win, how long it will take and how much it will cost.  You don’t want to pay to then be told that you could lose, it might take a very long time, or it would be prohibitively expensive for you.  Unfortunately, in any sort of litigation, there are a lot of variables and sometimes there is not a simple answer to these questions. 

However, we do recognise that our clients want some certainty and at least an idea of matters before they decide to commit fully to instructing a solicitor to pursue a claim for them.

We therefore offer a fixed fee, limited assessment of your claim, if you would like to instruct us through our website, so you can make a bit more of an informed decision about whether or not you want to proceed further with it.  We charge a fixed fee of £400 +VAT for considering what is normally the important documentation and evidence, and providing a preliminary assessment of your prospective claim..

Before you click on the Ready To Go? button below to instruct us through our website, please do read the information provided at the two web pages below.  These contain important information about this limited service we offer that you need to be aware of before you proceed to instruct us.  They also explain what documents and information you will need to have to hand, ready to upload.

What We Can Do, What We Can’t Do, And Who This Service Is For

Some Important Information On Evidence

Once you have read and understood these and are ready to go, please click here.