Wills, Probate, and Inheritance Issues – Our Wills & Probate Department Have You Covered

Cunningtons look after every aspect of making and administering a Will, including setting up trusts, protecting assets, advance directives, inheritance tax, deputyships and Lasting Powers of Attorney.

The legal aspects of moving through your later years are not something any of us like to contemplate, but death is a fact of life for everyone and we all need to deal with it. As expert Wills and Probate solicitors, we can be dispassionate about dealing with the associated admin.


Making a Will won’t kill you, though more than half of the UK population don’t want to take that risk. It doesn’t take long, and it doesn’t cost much – but if you don’t have one you’ll be increasing the pain your family have to deal with when you go.

And a home-made Will won’t help unless you are leaving everything to your spouse, or if you are single, you are leaving everything to you children in equal shares. It really takes a load off your mind if you instead write a properly valid Will with a professional will-writer.

Read more about writing a Will >>


Trusts are a way of ensuring that certain assets stay in the family whatever happens. They keep assets such as property and antiques safe from future divorce or debt.

Read more about Trusts >>

Administering Wills – Probate

Executing a Will can be a difficult time, especially if you have beneficiaries badgering you. It is a fairly time-consuming task, so if you act early you can pass on the task to us.

Read more about administering a Will >>

Inheritance Tax Planning

There are various allowances, exemptions, reliefs and methods that you can utilise to reduce your liability to Inheritance Tax. We can advise you on these.

Read more about inheritance tax >>


Deputyships come into play when someone has lost mental capacity and are dealt with by the Court of Protection.

Read more about deputyships >>

Advance Directives

Advanced directives, often known as ‘Living Wills’ deal with your wishes in the event of serious illness or disability and outline how you would wish to be treated.

Read more about advance directives >>

Lasting Powers of Attorney

A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) lets you appoint others to help you make decisions – or make them for you – if you lose the ability to do this yourself.

It is important to understand that without an LPA, your spouse cannot make decisions for you.

Read more about Lasting Powers of Attorney >>



Contact your local Wills and Probate  solicitors

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