What is Property Fraud?

Property fraud occurs when victims are tricked into believing that others have the right to sell, mortgage, or own a property, when they do not – the victims can include homeowners, sellers, buyers, landlords, tenants, mortgage lenders, banks and solicitors, amongst others. Given the value of property, this can result in significant financial losses. Property fraud can take many forms, including identity theft, impersonation, and title fraud.

Basics of property fraud and its implications

Property fraud scams typically use a combination of deception, forgery, and manipulation of documents. Fraudsters may use fake identities, stolen documents, or hacked email accounts to convince others that they have the right to sell or mortgage a property. This can lead to a range of consequences, including financial loss, damage to credit scores, and in some cases homelessness.

Focus on two common types of property fraud

Here are two scams that are specifically targeted at property sales, but the techniques are often used with other less lucrative purchases. ‘Investment’ properties are often targeted because they are often left empty, making it easy to intercept mail.

The ‘Stealing Your Home’ scam

The BBC recently reported on the case of a man’s house being ‘stolen’ in Luton.

The facts of the case are depressingly familiar: a fraudster stole the identity of an unsuspecting homeowner, used fake documents to impersonate the actual property owner, sold his home from underneath him while he was away, and disappeared with the proceeds.

This sad case once again brought into sharp focus the need to follow the Law Society’s guidance when undertaking due diligence before buying property, and not necessarily relying on just one identity check. With something as valuable as a house, it is important to consider all the circumstances of the sale and be ready to question it if anything does not add up.

Identity Theft and Impersonation

Identity theft and impersonation are common tactics used by fraudsters to commit property fraud. By stealing someone’s identity, criminals can gain access to their property and financial information, allowing them to sell or mortgage the property without the owner’s knowledge or consent.

Once again, this technique is easier to achieve if a property is left unoccupied.

How fraudsters use identity theft to then steal homes

Fraudsters may use stolen identities to:

  • obtain fake documents, such as passports or driving licenses;
  • create fake email accounts or social media profiles;
  • apply for mortgages or loans in the victim’s name; or
  • sell or rent out the property without the real owner’s knowledge.

Issues you and your conveyancing solicitor should look out for when buying and selling property

Coming across just one of the circumstances below may not be cause for alarm, but multiple instances should put you on your guard that the seller may not actually be the legitimate owner:

  • the seller’s conveyancing solicitor is not located close to the property;
  • their ID documents have been issued recently;
  • the seller has little knowledge of the property they are selling;
  • the seller has no documents linking them to the property being sold, such as council tax or utility bills;
  • it is a high value property, particularly if there is no mortgage to pay off;
  • or if a quick sale is required for no obvious reason.

It is important to check that the contact details provided by the seller are accurate and verifiable. All parties – the conveyancers, the estate agents, and the buyers – should be vigilant.

Avoiding having your home ‘stolen’ is simple

According to the BBC,

The Land Registry paid out a total of £3.5m in compensation for fraud [in 2020]Shari Vahl, BBC News

However, preventing this fraud from happening to you is a simple and cheap matter. Visit the Land Registry website and set up a property alert here:


It will then generate email alerts for a property, monitoring activity so that you don’t have to. Taking this step costs nothing – and can save thousands.

Payment Diversion Fraud

Payment Diversion Fraud is another increasingly common type of fraud that can occur during a property transaction.

In Payment Diversion Fraud, criminals hijack email communications between lawyers and their conveyancing clients, then contact the clients pretending to be the lawyer. The object is simple: they are trying to persuade people to send funds to an account that they control, and not to the correct solicitor’s account.

Avoiding falling victim to this fraud is also a simple process.

If you ever receive an email purporting to be from your lawyer advising you that their usual bank account has been frozen, STOP.

Especially if they then ask you to send funds to a new account.

You should immediately contact your conveyancing solicitor, using a telephone number you have previously used to contact them and verify the account details.

Even sending small test payments is not a guarantee that you are sending funds to the right account.

If you are in any doubt, you should either speak to your conveyancing solicitor, or to another senior member of the firm.

At Cunningtons LLP, that would probably be Jason Bradshaw, our Compliance Officer for Finance and Administration to check the details BEFORE you send any money.

This kind of fraud is becoming more popular, even though stopping it is, once again, a simple matter.

Payment Diversion Fraud in action

Reported in October 2021, a case study showed that scammers stole £640,000 from an unsuspecting purchaser, in exactly this way.

They had intercepted email communications between solicitor and client, created a spoof email account with a name very similar to that of the lawyers, including forging the firm’s headed paper, and requested payment of the exact amount of money the home buyer was expecting to pay.

On this occasion, payment was sent to the fraudster’s account, and was never recovered.

When the fraud came to light and it turned out that the lawyer had not requested the funds, it had a devastating life-long impact on the client’s life and finances.

You should be particularly cautious when dealing with a company based overseas, as verifying their legitimacy can be more challenging than if they’re based in the UK.

Avoid falling victim to Payment Diversion scams

How can you protect yourself against this property scam? There are steps you can take:

  • Contact your lawyer at the outset of your transaction by phone to check their bank details, to be sure it matches your expectations.
  • Lawyers VERY RARELY change their bank details, so if you do receive communication that this has happened, you should be wary and contact your lawyer BEFORE tranferring any funds.
  • Set strong passwords and ideally two factor authentication on your email account to help stop fraudsters hacking your account and spoofing your communications.
  • Avoid using public wi-fi for banking apps, or when checking emails about your transaction.
  • If in doubt do not transfer funds until you are sure you have verified the bank details you are sending funds to, speaking to your lawyer personally on the phone using a number you trust.
  • Essentially, you should never trust details given in an email when large sums of money are involved. No-one minds a phone call to check account details.
  • Conduct thorough due diligence, especially when dealing with investment properties, to ensure all parties involved are legitimate.

Be careful with your money

We hope this article has been of help and has highlighted some of the risks we all have to deal with when dealing with large sums of money.

 Always check that you are sending your money to the right place. 

Please stay VIGILANT!

4 thoughts on “Two Types of Property Fraud to Watch Out For”

  1. Please, please please can you help me? I’m dyslexic and put total trust in people that told me they were helping me. They said they had a friend who would give me a large deposit towards the full value of my house. I had no mortgage and after waiting and waiting and trying to get in touch with the seller for the rest of the money, it never came to my horror, my friend looked up the value of the house in case he was waiting for it to go down as said was possible slump due to Covid and been known to me totally the convey answer [name removed] from [name removed] the land registry and the ground rent people have Done no security and now my properties not even in my name and I had no idea so patiently I’ve been trying the last two years to get the rest of the money and to prove my innocence I have plenty of proof that people are in my iCloud but unfortunately they’re still changing evidence and date nobody is investigated. I’m totally vulnerable physically disabled terribly and everything I had was my home , which my dad left to me? I am being painted as a money drift in that I had no debts and they have clearly stolen my house and now the man who did this Leonard and with other people that pretended to be me impersonated me I even have a recording and as it stands this seems to be of no avail. I’m devastated to the point of near to breakdown and suicidal over what to do. I have spent so much money, out of the deposit trying to defend myself and nobody is helping me I am registered as to be looked after and be protected by the police and social services et cetera and other people are involved from such a fraud trying to tell people I’m just being discarded or thought of is mentally ill and that I’m stupid Please please help me. The loss society issued forms to people as well that we filled out the mine the exchange was done over the telephone and my solicitor hasn’t even tried to get this very legal documentation of the phone call which is so important. I want to know what was said Who and I and how did they do this without checking and as for land registry, I feel like they have destroyed my whole life in the matter of two years from looking forward to spending precious time with my mum I have two the most dreadful time. I have only just started to walk again after two more hip replacements my knees due to be replaced please help my name is [name removed] the property of which I’m still sitting in right now which isn’t mine. I feel incredibly scared as The threat of money you are coming they can fly even to the point of I have over £3000 worth of vines for putting my sable car on my own driveway ordered by the person who tried to steal my property for a quarter of its value his name is [name removed] is the corrupt conveyancer of which works with him the women That pretended to be on record but yet as it says the final hearing is pending and the judge has taken it upon himself to believe this man who has already admitted in text messages that this was a crime but still continue to steal my home when my home goes I have nothing this is all I have. I just don’t know what to do. I am at the point of , not wanting to carry on and this is purely from RMG who did not carry out regulations or security Leonard who is purely driven by greed he has many properties of which I feel inspired the property took three weeks to be taken out of my name and I was so trusting with these people I never thought anyone was able we can do this Only a small fraction of the money left of which is being asked by the Solicitors who extortionate Greedy as well they don’t care about me as a person registry should have reported this immediately and done the checks necessary. I just don’t know what to do I need somebody to verify all of what I’ve said so that I can live and have some compensation as to what they’ve done to me mentally , the lack of care by concerns even the loss society am I gonna do unable to work and disabled? Please? Will you help me? I am 54 years old. My name is [name removed]. I have a criminal record. I’ve never broken the law and I am telling you the truth, please Would you help me? My phone number is [number removed]. Fraudulent website parallel to my iCloud has been used and I think they are still using it now to change Everton as I open my iPad and the customer moves around by itself deleting and adding Everton They’re running rings around me please can you help? Thank you for your time. I am devastated. I live by myself with my dog and I just wanted to sell my home to buy some smaller that I could manage this stairs a flat I want it and the rest of the money was to be put to look after my mum. I wanted to be with her and that time has been taken away. It’s very very precious to me that I spent quality time with my mum as it stands. I cannot lie to her and I find I’m hiding from everything and everyone , in this lack of faith has been forced upon me to believe that I’m totally worthless and I can’t be treated this way for so long. I cannot tell you how destroying it is for somebody who is like me and I do it’s made me feel like I don’t wanna live , please please please I just don’t know what to do. Solicitors join in as well putting the phone down telling me I’m stupid telling me not listening not believing me. I honestly never never met my life or seen him [name removed] of [address removed] I found out in the time when I tried to get in touch for the rest of the money promised to me for the full value of the house which is 565 I was given 230 which has gone on Solicitors bills for protecting my mum And trying to pay the bills here on my own which I can’t afford really I’m trying to fight from my dignity and I feel like I can’t talk to anybody about anything anymore. They take my way as well. Why bullies do this protect me properly I cannot let anyone else go through what I’ve been through in the last two years , I have been left right and I believe that Helping did this and took more money for themselves including £10,000 out the bank stealing money please thank you

    1. Thank you for getting in touch; I’m afraid there is very little we can do to help you with this distressing and complex situation. In our opinion, the best thing you can do is to get in touch with your local Citizens Advice Bureau (https://citizensadvicenwk.org.uk/about-us/our-locations/sevenoaks-office/) to see what help they can give you.

      We wish you all the best at this distressing time and hope you find the help you need.

      We have removed your name and phone number from this message.

  2. So what happens if a Seller is asked a direct question & they lie on the property information form & answer a question deliberately telling a lie, to hide something & you find out they actually knew about it? Is it classed as Fraud. If it is, is there a definite limitation period?

    1. Thank you for your comment.

      Misrepresentation claims can broadly be broken into three categories. These are innocent, reckless or negligent and fraudulent misrepresentation. The type of misrepresentation can have an effect on the remedy, compensation or damages that you can claim.

      Fraudulent misrepresentation occurs when someone knowingly misrepresents the facts of something which causes the other party to enter into the contract in question. In this case, you are saying that by reason of what was said in the property information form, which the seller knew was factually inaccurate, you entered into the contract to purchase the property and this caused you a loss.

      Whilst a little more complex, you are right that under the Limitation Act 1980, the period for bringing a claim for misrepresentation (normally 6 years) can be postponed and will not start to run until the fraud, concealment or mistake is or (quite importantly) could reasonably have been discovered. Most cases where this issue arises turn on when it can be said that the claimant, with reasonable diligence, could have discovered the fraud. For example, in the relatively recent case of European Real Estate Debt Fund (Cayman) Ltd v Treon and others [2021], the Claimant pursued a fraudulent misrepresentation claim. However, the Court held that the normal limitation period would apply and dismissed the Claimant’s claim. In simple terms, the Claimant argued that the Court was not allowed to take account of information available to the Claimant before the fraud was committed and the loss suffered. However, the Court disagreed and said that it was entitled to take account of all of the information available to the Claimant in determining when, with reasonable diligence, it could be said that the fraud would have been discovered. Such cases are far from straightforward legally.

      We have a series of blogs on property misrepresentation that you might care to consider. Details of some real cases can be found here. We suspect that you might find some guidance here. This particular blog on property fraud is more aimed at identifying the ways in which fraudsters might try to steal money from you.

      If you have been the victim of a property fraud, we may be able to assist, so do feel free to get in touch. For example, we have worked for clients who have been the victims of mortgage frauds, when vast sums of money are borrowed from a mortgage lender and the lender then pursues our clients for payment or looks to take possession of the victims home, believing that it was them that borrowed the money when in fact it was a fraudster taking out the mortgages and receiving the funds. Such mortgage frauds can sometimes be complicated and often involve several parties, including surveyors/valuers, mortgage brokers and even solicitors and licensed conveyancers. Often the primary issue in cases such as these are evidential. A fraudster gets away with what they are doing because they take steps to ensure that it looks like the victims borrowed the money and are liable for the debt, for example, by expertly forging signatures and stealing personal information to add legitimacy to the transaction. Much of the time it is necessary to identify evidence which shows that it could not possibly have been the victim that borrowed the money as a starting point.

      Broadly, a contract that is entered into pursuant to a fraud will not be upheld by a Court as a matter of public policy; the Court will not allow itself to be used to further fraudulent activity. This can sometimes mean that the victims have a defence of illegality to the claim against them and this can result in a declaration from the Court that the debt is unenforceable against the victims.

      Do feel free to get in touch if you would like to consider your matter further, although as mentioned, a very “old” claim may very well have a number of difficult legal hurdles to jump.

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